Join Sean Colins for an in-depth discussion in this video Creating configuration profiles, part of macOS Server Essential Training. Explore's library of categories, topics, software and learning paths. Using Profile Manager as a reference platform for day one compatibility with new iOS and Mac. Importing Mac configuration profiles. Apple's OS X server Profile Manager lets you create Mac configuration profiles for your Mac devices that can be imported into Mobility Manager. Each profile is an XML file with a.mobileconfig file extension that defines device settings, such as wireless network and VPN configurations.
This module provides two resource types for interacting with macOS configuration profiles.
The profile_manager resource type is the back-end type that interacts with /usr/bin/profiles for creating, destroying and verifying a resource type. The mac_profiles_handler::manage resource type is user-facing and handles the management of the actual files.
A structured fact is also provided to list installed profiles along with some metadata.
You can use an ERB template instead of a mobileconfig:
You can also ensure that a profile is absent by specifying just the identifier:
You must pass the profilers identifier as your namevar, ensure accepts present or absent and file_source behaves the same way source behaves for file.
, for earlier versions use d13469a.Improve provider parsing.
Handle more types of configuration profiles.
Improve documentation when author isn't presenting the next morning.
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Profile Manager's basic setup is in Server app. You must use Safari to access Profile Manager's /mydevices webpage and the administration webpage.
Only server administrators can access your administration page. The URL format for your administration page is:
To enroll an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or a Mac, go to:
If you can't access the administration page with a web browser other than Safari, try with Safari. If you can't access it with Safari, try the following troubleshooting steps.
DNS settings are important when you're managing a Profile Manager deployment. If Profile Manager doesn't open, make sure your server points to a reliable DNS server.
If you experience issues when you push profiles or apps to client systems, check the system log file in Console. If it reports that your server can't reach Apple's APNs servers, check your network's configuration. Make sure that all needed ports are open.
For more information, turn on APNS debug logging with these Terminal commands: Itunes won't update mac.
You can find the log file at /Library/Logs/apsd.log.
After your APNS transactions are logged, use these Terminal commands to turn off debug logging:
Jan 12, 2020 How to Make the Library Visible Permanently. Launch Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities. Enter the following command at the Terminal prompt: Press Return. Once the command executes, you can quit Terminal. The Library folder will now be visible in the Finder. Should you ever wish to set. Mac how to change library folders.
Profile Manager logs can help you fix issues with Profile Manager. You can find a symbolic link named 'devicemgr' at /var/log. This file points to /Library/Logs/ProfileManager, where you can find these logs:
devicemgrd.log |
dm_helper.log |
dmrunnerd.log |
migration_tool.log |
php.log |
php-fpm.log |
php-fpm.devicemgr.log |
PostgreSQL-<yyyy-mm-dd>.log |
profilemanager.log |
servermgr_devicemgr.log |
These logs can also provide helpful information:
In macOS Sierra and later, some information is stored via Unified logging. The following terminal command can provide you with some additional helpful information:
Some of these logs might list transaction 'failures' or retries. Most of these entries are expected and don't indicate an issue. These logged events are conflicts between attempts to modify the underlying PostgreSQL database at the same time. These kinds of failures retry until they succeed.
You can identify transaction conflicts when you see any of these notes in your log files:
More information on how to fix an issue is sometimes available if you increase the log level. To gather the information you need, reproduce the issue after you increase the logging level. Show hidden folders mac.
When you're finished, revert to the original logging level. If you leave the logging level at a higher setting, it decreases the available space on your startup drive.
Library prefrences in java mac. To increase the level of logging, use this Terminal command:
This automatically restarts Profile Manager Service.
To revert the logging level back to its original setting, use this Terminal command: Note: If you use iCloud Photos and you restore the System Photo Library from a Time Machine backup, any photos you’ve deleted since the last Time Machine backup are restored to your Mac and uploaded to iCloud again.If you chose to optimize Mac storage, Time Machine may not have a backup of your originals. However, the originals are stored in iCloud.
This automatically restarts Profile Manager Service.